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Really Awful Movies: Ep 462 – The Ruins

This week on the podcast, we venture into the 2000s for a film which has no right to be as good as it is, The Ruins. With a tepid description on Netflix, this is a film that resembles a typical stalk-and-slash tourism-related horror with central casting interchangeable college kids. But DO NOT sleep on this […]

Really Awful Movies: Ep 461 – The Rejuvenator

This week on the show, The Rejuvenator aka, Rejuvenatrix. But who are we kidding? This is basically Re-Animator! (which is basically Frankenstein). Anyway, this is a cult regional horror from New Jersey, which made few waves upon release in 1988. The plot? An ambitious scientist is mucking about with a brain serum anti aging agent. […]

Really Awful Movies: Ep 460 – Run

A mom smothers her disabled daughter in a remote, Washington farmhouse. Run is unique in the thriller/horror realm in that a character confined to a wheelchair, is the protagonist. Tune in this week for a discussion of this popular and often very capable Hulu flick, later acquired for international distribution by Netflix.