Really Awful Movies: Ep 25 – Cliches that Annoy

Cliches that annoy in movies. “Why are you doing this to me?” That’s a common question in horror movies and the answer is usually the same: they’re psychopaths! On this podcast, we discuss some annoying horror as well as action film cliches. For reference, please see SIGNS YOU MIGHT BE IN A BAD HORROR MOVIE. […]

Really Awful Movies: Ep 22 – Samurai Cop

Samurai Cop is an absolute gem of a bad movie. A samurai cop and his side-kick go after the Yakuza, that notorious Japanese organized crime outfit. However, it’s set outside of Los Angeles. And there’s barely a Japanese person to be found. The samurai cop (Matt Hannon) has a Bon Jovi / Friends / Fabio […]

Really Awful Movies: Ep 21 – Latter Day Steven Seagal

In Submerged, Chris Kody (Steven Seagal, in full Cajun accent mode at the outset, then promptly abandoned midway through) is a mercenary released from prison but with strict conditions: he must take out a South American bad guy who’s taken over a nuclear sub (a sub with Italian language controls that is referred to as […]