Really Awful Movies: Ep 421 – Exterminators of the Year 3000

On this episode of the Really Awful Movies Podcast, a brief detour and foray into post-apocalyptic wasteland movies.

Some movies, like Jaws and Mad Max, are so popular, well made and influential that they spawn a host of imitators. In the case of the latter, it’s even got its own name: Maxploitation.

There is quite a laundry list of Mad Max ripoffs, of which Exterminators of the Year 3000 is one. Hell, the poster art even shamelessly admits it: “meet the new breed of road warriors.” Brazen!

These movies are always so much fun, and aren’t too taxing on the ol’ noggin.

Really Awful Movies: Ep 419 – White Tiger

Tiger style. White Tiger!

Gary Daniels stars as a steely DEA agent whose partner is murdered and must go seeking revenge. In Chinatown. As an outsider.

White Tiger is a wildly good time, complete with basically everything you’d need from a dunderheaded 90s action film: a drug syndicate, femme fatale, a surfeit of mindless shootouts and more punches thrown than a South Boston St Paddy’s Day drink up.

Lensed in beautiful Vancouver, BC, White Tiger is a great way to showcase the splendid martial arts of Gary Daniels.

Really Awful Movies: Ep 417 – Arnold

On this episode of the Really Awful Movies Podcast, a foray into documentary film via Arnold.

This three-parter on Netflix chronicles the life and times of the one and only Arnold Schwarzenegger.

On this episode:

  • His early life in Graz, Austria.
  • The influence of bodybuilder/movie star Reg Park
  • Arnold’s relationship with his brother and father.
  • The early days of his career.
  • Arnold’s drive and determination.
  • Action movie heroes.

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