Really Awful Movies: Ep 410 – Near Dark

On this episode of the podcast, Near Dark. This Bill Paxton/Lance Henriksen starrer, is really damn good. And it manages to add something new to a slightly shopworn genre, the vampire film. And it does with marrying Western / bank heist sensibilities, with a dark cinematic aesthetic. Check it out, and subscribe!

Really Awful Movies: Ep 409 – Barbarian and Bodies Bodies Bodies

Two movies on this episode of the Really Awful Movies podcast, both recent efforts as well. And both, quite overrated but also quite worthy of your time. If that makes sense? Barbarian Two people, Tess and Keith, double book an Airbnb-type residence in Detroit. As an aside, Airbnb rentals can be fodder for some good […]

Really Awful Movies: Ep 408 – Attachment

Two women, actress Maja and academic Leah, meet in a Copenhagen library. They soon connect and move in together, first in Denmark, then at Leah’s mom’s place in East London. Is this the stuff of a rom-com, or a horror? Fear not. Or, rather…fear. Before too long, strange occurrences begin happening. Attachment is set in […]