Really Awful Movies: Ep 407 – Death Spa

Death Spa! Forget Killer Workout, or movies set in a gym with someone lurking in the shadows, behind a locker. No, Death Spa is unique in that it marries telekinesis and gym rat culture, truly a one-of-a-kind combo.

Tune into the show!

On this episode:

  • Chasing the pump
  • Social media and gym culture
  • TikTok trends
  • Being “natty” or working out naturally
  • Telekinesis in horror movies
  • Gym settings in horror movies
  • The amazing Ken Foree
  • From Beyond and neon cinematography
  • 80s workout culture
  • The film debut of a star of Fresh Prince of Bel Air

Really Awful Movies: Ep 406 – Necromantik

On the podcast this week, Necromantik.

This is a German film from the 80s, which is as transgressive as horror cinema gets. And it proves that neither budget nor characterization is required to produce something of long-lasting impact.

On the show:

  • Canadian cinema and Heimatsfilm, traditional German genre cinema
  • Jorg Buttgereit
  • Internalized horror, as in the Bill Lustig film, Maniac
  • Transgressive horror and desensitization

Really Awful Movies: Ep 405 – Skinamarink

Skinamarink is an ultra low Canadian horror that’s being dismissed in some circles as “boring” and touted as “genius” in others.

I am going to split the difference.

This is definitely a unique beast that’s worth a look. Tune in, and check out the film, which has made waves online and which is now available to be watch on Shudder.

On the podcast:

  • Edmonton and its association with horror films
  • Traditionalism in the horror space/horror fandom
  • Domestic household horror, House, The Changeling
  • Audience response to “arthouse” horror vs modern remakes
  • TV as cinematography, Demons 2, Poltergeist
  • Cartoons, soundtracks
  • Canadian horror and its uniqueness