Really Awful Movies: Ep 386 – Creep 2

On this episode of the podcast, the sequel to the excellent POV horror, Creep – Creep 2.

This flick is a 2017 found footage psychological horror film directed by Patrick Brice and co-written by Brice and Mark Duplass, also the co-star.

The film follows Aaron, the eponymous creep, and his efforts to get his story told by a struggling documentary filmmaker, Sara.

On this episode of the show, the perks and pitfalls of POV-style horror, suffering for one’s art, the importance of character development as opposed to narrative structure in horror, the humorous elements of horror, Blumhouse productions, and straight-ahead slashers.

Also part of the discussion: documentary filmmaking as an art form, and the exemplary Canadian documentary, A Better Man, by Attiya Khan, as well as When we Were Kings.



Really Awful Movies: Ep 385 – Dolls and variety in horror

On today’s episode of the Really Awful Movies Podcast, Stuart Gordon’s Dolls. On today’s show, delving into the director’s work, including From Beyond and Re-Animator. Also, the global village of horror. Hotbeds of horror from around the globe, including Poland, Japan, Germany, France, Asia.

Really Awful Movies: Ep 384 – Daniel Isn’t Real

This week on the Really Awful Movies Podcast, the often compelling imaginary friend horror film, Daniel Isn’t Real.

Luke is an undergrad plagued by trauma and anxiety. As a coping mechanism, he revivifies a childhood imaginary friend, Daniel, in part through the encouragement of his psychologist/therapist.

Where things go from there, is seriously haywire.

Set in Brooklyn, Daniel Isn’t Real is pretty good of its type. Tune in for a discussion! And check out Imaginary Friends in Horror Movies, written up on our Really Awful Movies review site.