Really Awful Movies: Ep 366 – Black Christmas 2006

Merry Christmas, everyone.

On this episode, the bad, but not overly bad 2006 iteration of Black Christmas. Of course, the Bob Clark 1974 version is a bona fide classic, and slashers of today owe it a debt. How does this compare? Well, on this show, a breakdown of stylistic differences and artistic choices that make the first Black Christmas so good…and this one…not so much.


Really Awful Movies: Ep 365 – Halloween and Halloween Kills

On this episode of the show, Halloween 2018 (what, no name?) and Halloween Kills and what could’ve been done to properly honour the legacy of the iconic John Carpenter flick.

Which characters should’ve been excised? What could’ve improved? Where does Halloween go from here? What’s with the retcon stuff? Does David Gordon Green have what it takes to be a legit horror director?


Really Awful Movies: Ep 364 – Hostel

On this week’s podcast, Hostel, part of a polarizing movement of horror that came to prominence in the mid 2000s with the likes of Saw et al.

This Eli Roth written and directed effort (with some cash and probably creative input from Quentin Tarantino) follows two backpackers from Western to Central Europe, and the hijinks they get up to, before things take a turn for the worse.

On the podcast: putting Eli Roth’s films in context, ranking them, the influence of Tobe Hooper on his career, Italian cannibal films, the Saw movies, re-appreciating Hostel after a few viewings, vacation spots in Europe, Bratislava, Slovakia and more!