Really Awful Movies: Ep 360 – Fantasy Island

On this episode of the Really Awful Movies Podcast, what do you do when creative juices have run dry? You tap weird, 70s TV properties of course! Fantasy Island aka Blumhouse’s Fantasy Island is one such film.

The Jeff Wadlow-directed effort starts Michael Pena as the Svengali Mr Rourke (the movie’s version of the Ricardo Montalban character from the 1977 TV Show), Maggie Q, and a bunch of other people.

What happens when contest winners arrive at a stunningly beauty Caribbean locale? (which can also grant wishes, as a strange, godlike entity). It turns out, not anything good.

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Really Awful Movies: Ep 359 – Fractured

On this episode of the Really Awful Movies Podcast, the very capable psychological thriller, Fractured. It’s directed by Brad Anderson, who’s done movies we’re quite fond of, including The Machinist and the somewhat underrated Session 9.

Here, a family returning from a Thanksgiving road trip runs into trouble at a Minnesota rest stop. And the dad has to seek medical attention for his young daughter. What happens next, is a true healthcare horror.

He faces a Byzantine scenario at a rural hospital, in which twists and turns prevent him from checking in on his daughter, who is admitted for a CAT scan.

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Really Awful Movies: Ep 358 – Absurd

On this week’s episode of the Really Awful Movies Podcast, a bit more Italian horror for ya.

Welcome to a discussion of Absurd, which goes variously by Anthropophagus 2, Zombie 6: Monster Hunter, Horrible and The Grim Reaper 2 in keeping with the title multiplication common to Italian exploitation genre cinema.

It’s a batty 1981 slasher directed by multi-talented director Joe D’Amato and starring the towering figure of George Eastman (all 6’9 of him) who wrote the story and the screenplay – though that’s not exactly anything you’d really want to cop to.

Eastman plays Mikos, the subject of a mysterious Vatican experiment from which he’s on the lam. The monsignor who helped create him, Frankenstein-style, is chasing after him. The madman gets impaled on a high fence, kinda like Hell Night (which we podcasted a while back). But, like Mike Myers, he’s hard to kill (or rather, like Steven Seagal, he’s hard to kill!).

Mikos is revived at the local hospital, which is bad move. They should not have resuscitated him. The priest informs the hospital and authorities that the only way to kill Mikos is to ‘destroy the cerebral mass,’ whatever the hell that is.