Really Awful Movies: Ep 342 – Wrong Turn 2021

This week on the podcast, the 2021 version of Wrong Turn.

This film is quite the update from the 2003 original (and you can compare our discussion for both). It’s hugely ambitious, though falls flat on numerous occasions. This one should be (and somewhat is) a bit polarizing.

A bunch of hikers are going to spend a few nights in the woods along the Appalachian Trail.

On this episode:

  • The original wrong turn, plus the latest incarnation
  • Camping and its plus and debits
  • The great outdoors
  • The folk horror mystique and exemplary films in the genre

Really Awful Movies: Ep 341 – A Perfect Getaway

Not a horror per se (however defined), A Perfect Getaway is a 2009 release that’s perhaps more of a thriller (but why quibble?)

On this episode of the Podcast, a discussion of the David Twohy-directed flick. Twohy also responsible for GI Jane and The Chronicles of Riddick with Vin Diesel, and he acquits himself quite nicely as a horror/thriller director despite an action pedigree.

In the film, we get a terrific cast: Timothy Olyphant (Deadwood/The Crazies), Milla Jovovich (The Fifth Element/Resident Evil), Steve Zahn (Reality Bites) and Marvel and Cabin in the Woods’ Chris Hemsworth.

They play different couples on vacation in Hawaii (ah, vacations…remember them?). They’re trekking about in the sublime islands, when word gets out about a murder perpetrated by a couple on a neighbouring island.

Who did it?

Zahn is a nerdy screenwriter, with Jovovich his square wife. They encounter a tough-talking military special forces guy (Olyphant) and his hippie girlfriend, and things take quite the turn.

Join us!


Really Awful Movies: Ep 340 – Urban Legend

This week on the Really Awful Movies Podcast: Urban Legend.

The inspiration for discussing the late 90s film is three-fold: One, the famous series of books by Professor Jan Harold Brunvand (The Vanishing Hitchhiker: American Urban Legends and Their Meanings, The Choking Doberman, Encyclopedia of Urban Legends – these books were instrumental in getting one of the hosts of this podcast, into the world of mainstream publishing).

Two, one of the protagonists of this film, played by Jared Leto, is a journalist, again, the profession of one of the co-hosts of this podcast…

and Finally, three the setting: the Alma mater of one of the co-hosts of the Really Awful Movies Podcast, the University of Toronto, which is where this one is set.

Join us for a discussion of Urban Legend, featuring an all-star cast (Tara Reid, Robert Englund, of Nightmare on Elm Street fame, the aforementioned Jared Leto, Joshua Jackson and more) and lots of 90s irony and silliness, but also a great concept around which to base a horror film.