Really Awful Movies: Ep 336 – Citadel

In advance of St Patrick’s Day, a foray into Irish horror movies with Citadel, a psychological effort set in Glasgow Scotland.

For this, there’s a terrific IMDb description: “an agoraphobic father teams up with a renegade priest to save his daughter from the clutches of a gang of twisted feral children who committed.” If you don’t find that enticing as a premise, you’re reading the wrong website!

Astute viewers will notice similarities between the antagonists here, and those in David Cronenberg’s The Brood.

This is one film that won’t do wonders for Glasgow Tourism! A bit of a shorter entry for this week’s podcast. We will be coming back strong next week, complete with both hosts, as we dive into different flavours of genre film.


Really Awful Movies: Ep 334 – Bats

The title says it all: Bats.

In this animal attack flick from the late 1990s, La Bamba Lou Diamond Phillips stars as a small town Arizona sheriff called in to investigate a strange homicide. The coroner is befuddled during the post-mortem.

A chiropterologist is on the case too, as the deaths are linked to the flying furry mammals.

Soon, we find out there’s some sinister scientist up to no good that’s caused this mess to happen. Surprised? No? After all, this is a pretty popular cliché of the genre.

Still, there are some decent enough performances in this. And it’s smarter than it appears, even if it’s not the greatest in terms of execution.

Tune in!


Really Awful Movies: Ep 333 – Edge of the Axe

On this week’s podcast episode, perhaps the 7th most notable axe murderer horror film of all time, Edge of the Axe.

Sure, this Michael Myers-visaged villain swings an axe, yet he remains far less well known than those maniacs in Silent Night, Deadly Night, Madman, Silent Night, Bloody Night and the granddaddy of all axe murderin’ movies, The Shining.

Still, this Spanish / American co-production has its defenders (namely, us). Edge of the Axe is a rip-roaring good time, variously filmed in Big Bear, California, and Madrid Spain, with a bunch of townsfolk being picked off one by one by a figure cloaked in black and wearing a white mask.

And the police are dumbfounded as to who could possibly be committing these heinous acts. This one was released near the very tail-end of the slasher boom, and it shows. It’s definitely quite unique and there’s a lot going for it, particularly the quirky characters, the strange Gothic Euro feel, and much more. Tune in!