Really Awful Movies: Ep 237 – The Country Bears

Animatronic country music-playing bears in a movie based on a Disney attraction. How could this go wrong? Or another question, How is this even possible? On the Really Awful Movies Podcast, we pride ourselves on tackling all sorts of disparate different genres, so hot on the heels of talking about C.H.U.D., here we are yakking […]

Really Awful Movies: Ep 234 – Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band

We’re optimists when it comes to cinema. Despite the (often ironic) title of our podcast, we strive (whenever possible) to see the good in everything. However, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band pushed us to the brink. This is the musical equivalent of C-SPAN: long, dull stretches of banality. And that’s shocking as the source material comes […]

Really Awful Movies: Ep 179 – From Justin to Kelly

Charitably listed as a “comedy” on IMDb, the laughs are always unintentional in the horrific, From Justin to Kelly. And the synopsis is thus: “A waitress from Texas and a college student from Pennsylvania (‘the Pennsylvania Posse’, a group that includes the fro-ed Justin Guarini) meet during spring break in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and come […]