Really Awful Movies: Ep 28 – RoboCop

Robocop features the incredible Peter Weller (who has since earned a Ph.D. at UCLA, in Italian Renaissance art history) as the eponymous cyborg crime-fighting machine. Detroit was once a Midwestern economic powerhouse but went into precipitous decline and became crime-ridden (it’s yet to recover). Whether you blame Reagonomics or the endless succession of Democrat mayors […]

Really Awful Movies: Ep 16 – Alienator

It’s Aliens meets with The Terminator, with Jan Michael Vincent! This is a prison planet movie, in which a felon (Kol) who’s on death row, manages to find an escape pod and crash-land into earth. His upset captors sic a giant bodybuilding Terminator on him. While on earth, Kol, who is wearing a space tracking […]

Really Awful Movies: Ep 3 – Land of Doom

A groin-kicking good time! Land of Doom is basically Mad Max, but with a chick. It’s set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland and features a warrior princess who reluctantly teams up with a soldier-of-fortune type to fend off a gang of roving leather-clad dune buggy and motorbike riders. This “Raiders” gang is dressed as WWE wrestling […]