Really Awful Movies: Ep 437 – Night of the Living Dead 1990

Today on the Really Awful Movies Podcast, Tom Savini’s Night of the Living Dead.

Tony Todd (Candyman) takes on the iconic Duane Jones role from the 1968 George A. Romero original.

Much maligned when it first came out, this is not nearly as bad as critics say (but by the same token, isn’t as great as some people claim in hindsight either).

Join in for a discussion of the walking undead, and don’t forget to subscribe to the show.

Really Awful Movies: Ep 436 – Primal Rage

Primal Rage!

Genre legend Bo Svenson (The Inglorious Bastards/Walking Tall/Snow Beast) plays Florida college research geek Dr. Ethridge, who is toiling away on a protein that will revolutionize how we treat Alzheimer’s disease.

It’s so revolutionary in fact, that the dean threatens to pull his funding if he doesn’t make a scientific breakthrough in two months (publish or perish, right?)

Frank Duffy, a hard-drinking/smoking gonzo journalist for the school paper, decides to investigate the goings-on at Ethridge’s lab.

When he’s bitten by a baboon, a “new party animal on campus” is unleashed.

This one is co-written by Umberto Lenzi, so you know it’s bonkers!

Tune in…and tell your friends to subscribe.

Really Awful Movies: Ep 435 – Jeepers Creepers

Jeepers Creepers.

We turn our attention to the early 2000s and this Justin Long-starrer, a genre-bending supernatural and very atmospheric creature feature.

This one incorporates aspects of Duel, Dark Night of the Scarecrow, Children of the Corn, Tourist Trap and too many others to possibly mention.

And it has a very dark backstory too.

Tune in, and don’t forget to subscribe to the Really Awful Movies Podcast.

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