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Really Awful Movies: Ep 468 – Mission of Justice

Mission of Justice, aka, Martial Law. How does a movie so titled, NOT star Steven Seagal? Anyway, for all concerned it is a good thing it doesn’t: after all, Jeff Wincott is pretty awesome. The Canadian a**-kicking sensation, displays some great martial arts chops, and plays a disgruntled cop out to solve the murder of […]

Really Awful Movies: Ep 467 – The Running Man

Oh no, a fight-to-the-death TV show, which entertains the masses in a far off, dystopian future! The Running Man can certainly count its place among…these kinds of movies. It’s certainly not the worst of its type, and it’s far from the best. Arnold Schwarzenegger plays an LA cop, who disobeyed a command which would’ve killed […]

Really Awful Movies: Ep 466 – The Hills Have Eyes

This week, a look back at the Wes Craven classic from 1977, The Hills Have Eyes. The Carter family takes a detour to check out a silver mine in the remote, Nevada desert. Soon, they find themselves at the mercy of…well…a nuclear family. Tune into the show, and don’t forget: new episodes are uploaded every […]