Really Awful Movies: Ep 419 – White Tiger

Tiger style. White Tiger!

Gary Daniels stars as a steely DEA agent whose partner is murdered and must go seeking revenge. In Chinatown. As an outsider.

White Tiger is a wildly good time, complete with basically everything you’d need from a dunderheaded 90s action film: a drug syndicate, femme fatale, a surfeit of mindless shootouts and more punches thrown than a South Boston St Paddy’s Day drink up.

Lensed in beautiful Vancouver, BC, White Tiger is a great way to showcase the splendid martial arts of Gary Daniels.

Really Awful Movies: Ep 418 – The Boogeyman and Prey

In this latest episode of the podcast, Stephen King adaptations and Deliverance knock-offs!

On the show, the recently released film, The Boogeyman, the latest in a slew of King catalogue pilfering. It’s solidly in the middle of the pack when it comes to King adaptations. It has a strong cast and a strong start….but…

Also, the German film, Prey. Guys in the woods attacked by a figure lurking therein. Where have we seen that before?

Tune into the show, and of course, subscribe.

Really Awful Movies: Ep 417 – Arnold

On this episode of the Really Awful Movies Podcast, a foray into documentary film via Arnold.

This three-parter on Netflix chronicles the life and times of the one and only Arnold Schwarzenegger.

On this episode:

  • His early life in Graz, Austria.
  • The influence of bodybuilder/movie star Reg Park
  • Arnold’s relationship with his brother and father.
  • The early days of his career.
  • Arnold’s drive and determination.
  • Action movie heroes.

Tune in and subscribe to the show. We are back, baby!