Really Awful Movies: Ep 469 – Vampire in Venice

Who knew Werner Herzog’s Nosferatu had an unofficial sequel?

Well, the production-plagued Klaus Kinski starrer, Vampire in Venice, aka Nosferatu in Venice, is a weird one – and while not as good as its predecessor, is nonetheless an oddly compelling, lovely film.

I mean, it can’t help but be – lensed in the gorgeous city of Venice.

Tune in, as we tap the immortal undead. And don’t forget, subscribe to the Really Awful Movies Podcast.


Really Awful Movies: Ep 468 – Mission of Justice

Mission of Justice, aka, Martial Law. How does a movie so titled, NOT star Steven Seagal?

Anyway, for all concerned it is a good thing it doesn’t: after all, Jeff Wincott is pretty awesome.

The Canadian a**-kicking sensation, displays some great martial arts chops, and plays a disgruntled cop out to solve the murder of his buddy.

Meanwhile, Brigitte Nielsen plays a mysterious politico who has her own fascist militia ironically called, The Peacemakers.

Tune in, and don’t forget to sub to the Really Awful Movies Podcast!


Really Awful Movies: Ep 467 – The Running Man

Oh no, a fight-to-the-death TV show, which entertains the masses in a far off, dystopian future!

The Running Man can certainly count its place among…these kinds of movies. It’s certainly not the worst of its type, and it’s far from the best.

Arnold Schwarzenegger plays an LA cop, who disobeyed a command which would’ve killed a bunch of innocents.

For his recalcitrance, he’s sent up shit’s creek in the form of being an involuntary participant in a wildly popular game show.

There are a bunch of movies like this, The Condemned, Rollerball, The Hunger Games, Battle Royale, No Exit – it’s a pretty lengthy list beyond that too. And for the most part, they are pretty similar. But no less fun.

Tune in!