Really Awful Movies: Ep 320 – Mine’s Bigger Than Yours! A new action movie book

On this week’s episode of the podcast, a new book for action movie enthusiasts: Mine’s Bigger Than Yours! The 100 Wackiest Action Movies.

If you’re a fan of any of the following…Steven Seagal, Cannon Films, Chuck Norris, JCVD, Reb Brown, Brian Bosworth or the films Miami Connection, Dangerous Men, Road House or Gymkata, we have a Christmas gift for you.

On this episode of the podcast, how we came to our love of terrible action movies, genre clichés like the inevitable abandoned warehouse shoot-em-up, why goons always attack one at a time instead of all at once,  and how it is that Cameron Mitchell seems to appear in so many of these crappy efforts.

Also, how we came to work with Brian Trenchard-Smith, the Aussie director who wrote our book foreword and directed Strike of the Panther; the glacial, barrel-shaped Steven Seagal and his direct-to-video Euro-oeuvre and how it influenced this tome; and the Golden Era of the muscle-bound taciturn action hero.

Finally, we explore less-than-stellar super hero movies, and how the genre has come to particular prominence now, courtesy The Avengers, but how back in the day…all people had at multiplexes was the dismal Pumaman, but also a made-for-TV pile of dung Captain America II: Death Too Soon.

Grab your bandolier, your hunting knife, another pal (especially if you’re a cop as you need a cop buddy for many of these movies) and get ready for an incredibly restorative action movie training montage as you go head-to-head with an international heroin dealer holed up on an island. With choppers. And machine guns.

The book is available in physical retailers November 18, in the United States, Canada, the UK, and Australia (that we know of. Much like the action genre, it probably spans the globe with a particular presence in The Philippines for all we know).




Really Awful Movies: Ep 302 – Dog Soldiers

On this episode of the Really Awful Movies podcast, the directorial debut of Neil Marshall (The Descent) and what a debut it is! Dog Soldiers.

Six British soldiers are carrying out a training mission in the wilds of Scotland, and they come across a Special Forces Op with severe gashes to his torso. What could have befallen him?

The crew, under the watch of one Sergeant Wells (the outstanding Sean Pertwee) soon finds itself having to deal with what’s lurking in the deep, dark woods.

They band together, and with the help of another Highlands denizen, beat back their adversary.

Character driven and action packed, Dog Soldiers is an exemplary genre bender that’s really well executed.

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Really Awful Movies: Ep 300 – Predator

Episode 300. Can’t believe we made it this far. On this episode of the Really Awful Movies Podcast, we tackle the Arnie muscled classic, PREDATOR!

A SWAT team descends on a mythical Central American banana republic to rescue some politicos. The force is led by none other than the Guvernator himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger, along with another governor, Jesse “The Body” Ventura. They, along with a crack team battle a rebel army in deep dark jungle…until….they come upon some compadres, skinned alive and left to rot out under the tree canopy. What could’ve committed such atrocities? Surely, no man…Instead, it’s a BEAST and an alien beast to boot. Or is that Alien? The similarities are obvious, plus those to Rambo.

Needless to say, Predator is a hoot. It’s well-filmed, the characterizations are simple, yet effective.

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