Really Awful Movies: Ep 406 – Necromantik

On the podcast this week, Necromantik.

This is a German film from the 80s, which is as transgressive as horror cinema gets. And it proves that neither budget nor characterization is required to produce something of long-lasting impact.

On the show:

  • Canadian cinema and Heimatsfilm, traditional German genre cinema
  • Jorg Buttgereit
  • Internalized horror, as in the Bill Lustig film, Maniac
  • Transgressive horror and desensitization

Really Awful Movies: Ep 402 – Mansion of the Doomed

A doctor is doing terrifying experiments on the living! Mansion of the Doomed practically sells itself. And how could you go wrong with a Charles Band production?

This is a weird 70s movie, and features among other principals, the star of the movie Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore, Vic Tayback, and the sitcom it inspired…

On this episode of the podcast:

  • The eyes in film/windows of the soul
  • Oedipus Christopher Plummer film with a scary eye scene
  • Lab coat / evil researcher horror films
  • The importance of ocular scares in Dead & Buried, The Beyond, Zombie
  • Fulci focusing on the eyes
  • The work of Charles Band
  • The director of Mansion of the Doomed Michael Pataki

And of course, much much more! Subscribe.


Really Awful Movies: Ep 395 – The Deadly Spawn

This week on the podcast, the uber low budget New Jersey regional horror, The Deadly Spawn.

Filmed for a meagre 30k back in 1980, and taking two years to complete, this creature feature is a super fun flick for fans of goofy sci fi flicks. It’s spirited, and cheap ‘n’ cheerful.

A meteor crash lands into a bucolic landscape (or, a matte painting). And gooey creatures make themselves at home, in a Victorian home, much to the chagrin of the occupants.

Tune into the Really Awful Movies Podcast every Friday!