Really Awful Movies: Ep 144 – Torso

On this episode, we look at the 1973 giallo feature, Torso.

Set amidst the pristine historic backdrop of Perugia, Italy, there’s a black-gloved killer on the loose. Of course. And he’s hunting down college students in this gorgeous setting, using a silk scarf as his MO.

Directed by Sergio Martino, the man behind the infamous The Mountain of the Cannibal Gods, Torso has its moments, but ultimately falls flat.

It does have lots of nudity though.

Really Awful Movies: Ep 129 – Planet of the Vampires

Planet of the Vampires is 100% vampire-free. But who cares, right? It’s freakin’ Bava, people. And a little Super Mario goes a long way, even if this isn’t the genre he’s best known for.


We got space ships. We got explorers. We got mysterious space signals. We got doodads, knobs, levers…we got weird planets, weirder spacesuits…what more do we need?

Join us, strap yourselves in as we venture into deep space for this episode of the Really Awful Movies Podcast.

Really Awful Movies: Ep 116 – Contamination

A mysterious ship is adrift in the Hudson River…Authorities board her, and they encounter gooey green eggs. Instead of approaching with caution, one of them grabs the strange cargo.

BOOM! That’s the end of this government official.

Contamination is a 1980 Italian / German co-production, a science fiction-horror film directed by Luigi Cozzi and starring Ian McCulloch (Dr. Butcher MD).

Colonel Holmes establishes a link between these green objects and a Mars mission that ended badly for one Commander Hubbard. And from there, the plot thickens.

Goofy, gory Italian fun on this week’s episode of the podcast.