Really Awful Movies: Ep 468 – Mission of Justice

Mission of Justice, aka, Martial Law. How does a movie so titled, NOT star Steven Seagal? Anyway, for all concerned it is a good thing it doesn’t: after all, Jeff Wincott is pretty awesome. The Canadian a**-kicking sensation, displays some great martial arts chops, and plays a disgruntled cop out to solve the murder of […]

Really Awful Movies: Ep 425 – No Exit

This week on the podcast, one of the more obscure films ever covered on the program: No Exit, AKA, Fatal Combat. This one is a 1995 Canadian action filmed lensed in the Greater Toronto Area and directed by Damian Lee. It stars the excellent Jeff Wincott, an actor/martial artist perhaps best known for his role […]

Really Awful Movies: Ep 419 – White Tiger

Tiger style. White Tiger! Gary Daniels stars as a steely DEA agent whose partner is murdered and must go seeking revenge. In Chinatown. As an outsider. White Tiger is a wildly good time, complete with basically everything you’d need from a dunderheaded 90s action film: a drug syndicate, femme fatale, a surfeit of mindless shootouts and […]