Really Awful Movies: Ep 486 – Children of the Corn II

This week on the Really Awful Movies Podcast, another sequel in a well-known horror franchise: Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice.

Time for some hicksploitation…

And it comes in the form of a “corny” sequel to an 80s quasi-classic, featuring a bunch of rustic, Bible Belt folk.

Tune in, and subscribe!

(if you’re interested in a discussion of the first Children of the Corn, give it a listen)

Really Awful Movies: Ep 485 – Halloween III Season of the Witch

Happy Halloween!

And Happy Halloween III: Season of the Witch is the subject of today’s show.

On this episode of the Really Awful Movies Podcast, a look back at this idiosyncratic (and still underappreciated) sequel from the 80s.


Tom Atkins

Halloween-related films that are not in the Halloween franchise

John Carpenter’s anthology series vision

Blumhouse’s take on the franchise and much more!