Really Awful Movies: Ep 138 – Don’t Answer the Phone!

Don’t Go in the House. Don’t Go in the Woods. Don’t Go in the Basement.

But DO check out Don’t Answer the Phone!, a highly underrated 1980 horror directed by the excellently named Robert Hammer.

It’s got everything, and by that we mean a psychotic, weeping, daddy-issues Vietnam vet killer who poses as a photographer; his nubile victims; ineffectual LAPD investigators, a Dr Fraser Crane-type radio host…and much much more.

Nicholas Worth (Swamp Thing/Darkman) gives an extraordinarily interesting performance as killer Kirk Smith.


Really Awful Movies: Ep 136 – Final Exam

A rather tepid offering from the slasher boom, FINAL EXAM doesn’t live up to the promise of its cool poster.

We get lots of backstory/investment in a bunch of rather tedious characters including the stock nerd, jock, final girl, hot blonde, taskmaster gym teacher, etc.

The killer is about as unremarkable as you can get. Still, worth checking out for horror completists.

Join us…and see if Final Exam…passes the test.

Really Awful Movies: Ep 92 – Child’s Play

Mr Holland’s opus. Tom Holland, that is. He’s the mastermind behind this incredibly creative, understated 80s horror classic.

Child’s Play is so darn fun.

A killer on the lam, by some sort of Voodoo mumbo jumbo, inhabits the body of a popular talking child’s toy, subsequently purchased on the black market by a Chicago mom for her young son.

From there, “Chucky” starts to wreak havoc.

Proof positive that a horror doesn’t need to be a 10 on the splatter meter, Child’s Play is wonderful tension slow-build. Like a lot of other horror notables, this one spawned a litany of forgettable sequels. But that’s OK. This one stands the test of time.

Join us as we delve into what makes this killer doll so indelible.