Really Awful Movies: Ep 351 – The Boy Behind the Door

In The Boy Behind the Door, two young boys are kidnapped and taken to a remote farmhouse near some oil rigs. And terror awaits! Actually, lots of terror at least for the first hour, before things take a turn for the cheesy.

Join the podcast, and subscribe as we delve into this thriller from 2020, which stars the awesome Lonnie Chavis (This is Us) as Bobby.

This is a film produced by streaming service, Shudder, with two directors – which, though not as bad as an Alan Smithee production – doesn’t always bode well.

On this podcast, talk centres on the changing seasons, The Houses October Built, a POV horror centred on Halloween haunted houses, The Shining, Burnt Offerings, Candyman, and yes, The Boy Behind the Door and the sympathy generated by horror films that feature kid protagonists.

Really Awful Movies: Ep 349 – Black Summer and Adoration

Back in business! This week, after a bit of a summer hiatus, The Really Awful Movies Podcast is back.

On this episode: Black Summer, a Walking Dead-like US TV series currently streaming on Netflix, and also Adoration, a small, quirky, Belgian-lensed and French language thriller.

Black Summer, filmed in the Calgary, Alberta area, has all the hallmarks of a zombie series: the macho alpha leader, the meek/hesitant sidekick, the concerned mother, the practical nerd, the gutsy do-it-yourself. And of course, the breakdown of social cohesion, not to mention the rampaging undead, make this must-see material if you’re into that kinda thing. There are tonnes of characters, lots of running, hissing zombies, militia men, evildoing civilians, the works.

By stark, stark contrast, Adoration is as small and character-driven as you can get. It’s slow, meandering, and psychologically-driven and muted in parts. A teen helps another escape a remote sanitorium.

The theme for both vehicles: running away from things! I guess there is a connective thread.

Really Awful Movies: Ep 348 – Alone

Alone is a thriller / survivalist horror set in Oregon.

A widow is on the move. She’s packing a U-Haul and heading to Washington State.

Before too long, she’s being tailed by a creep out on a deserted mountain underpass. The jeep is on her, lead footing around dangerous twists and turns. She manages to extricate herself from the road menace, only to meet up with him again at the local rest stop.

Before too long, the creepy stranger has inserted himself into her life, and things morph into a tale of rugged wilderness survival.

Join us on the Really Awful Movies Podcast and subscribe!