On this special bonus episode of the Really Awful Movies Podcast, Valentine’s Day Horror Films.

Today is a day to reignite your passions and tell loved ones they’re loved. But also, there’s no better occasion than to dive into what we love: horror movies! Horrors are oft-known to be set around holidays, whether it’s New Year’s Evil, Silent Night, Deadly Night, April Fool’s Day, etc. And there’s no reason this faux-holiday should be any different. After all, there’s already red liberally spread around, right? How about add some squibs to that, and make things blood spattered?

As the poster tag-line for Valentine says, “love hurts.” While this is undoubtedly true, you can learn to love again. But you’ve only got one life to live, and that’s something to remember when some nasty serial killer is bearing down on your. The Canadian classic, My Bloody Valentine, is called that for a reason.

So tune in, tell your friends to subscribe and join us on the Really Awful Movies Podcast!