Really Awful Movies: Ep 397 – Vacancy

This week on the podcast…check in, and make sure you can check out. Vacancy is a motel horror a la Mountaintop Motel Massacre, Psycho, 13 Cameras, The Rental, No Tell Motel, the Innkeepers…it’s a list that’s seemingly endless.

What isn’t, our fascination with these kinds of films.

It couldn’t get more simple: feuding couple (Kate Beckinsale/Luke Wilson) run into car trouble. Unfortunately, Triple AAA isn’t around to jumpstart them back to the road and their in-laws. And they’re compelled to stay in a crappy fleabag roadside inn. Think of Rodney Dangerfield: “this was a dumpy motel I tell you. They stole MY towels.”

Soon, there’s banging on the door and something sinister afoot. As well there should be: it’s a horror film! Watch Vacancy, and check out this discussion.

Really Awful Movies: Ep 396 – Blood Orgy of the She-Devils

On this week’s episode, a short discussion of Blood Orgy of the She-Devils and the life and times of horror maverick, Ted V. Mikels.

The plot is pretty bare: a soothsayer / prognosticator becomes involved with a couple. It’s not exactly a “screaming plunge into the depths of hell” promised in the poster, but it’s a super fun low-budget affair.


Really Awful Movies: Ep 395 – The Deadly Spawn

This week on the podcast, the uber low budget New Jersey regional horror, The Deadly Spawn.

Filmed for a meagre 30k back in 1980, and taking two years to complete, this creature feature is a super fun flick for fans of goofy sci fi flicks. It’s spirited, and cheap ‘n’ cheerful.

A meteor crash lands into a bucolic landscape (or, a matte painting). And gooey creatures make themselves at home, in a Victorian home, much to the chagrin of the occupants.

Tune into the Really Awful Movies Podcast every Friday!