Really Awful Movies: Ep 353 – Superhost

On today’s edition of the Really Awful Movies podcast, the Shudder-produced low budget, Superhost.

Superhost refers to a duo, Claire and Teddy, who are travel vloggers who occupy an Air BnB style sprawling home, a quid pro quo arrangement in exchange for a very positive review of the rental property.

Soon, they find out their host is not so super…

In today’s episode:

  • the travel vlogging phenomenon and the explosion of YouTube travel content
  • a rundown of some of the more popular travel vlogger channels, including Kara and Nate, NFKRZ, Bald and Bankrupt, Wolters World and Downie Live.
  • the use of first person POV/found footage and its effectiveness as a conceit in horror films
  • female antagonists in horror and how/where Rebecca from this film (pictured, right) compares with some of the all-time greats
  • protracted lockdowns and the need to cocoon
  • surveillance and accommodation horrors like, Psycho, 13 Cameras and The Rental


Really Awful Movies: Ep 351 – The Boy Behind the Door

In The Boy Behind the Door, two young boys are kidnapped and taken to a remote farmhouse near some oil rigs. And terror awaits! Actually, lots of terror at least for the first hour, before things take a turn for the cheesy.

Join the podcast, and subscribe as we delve into this thriller from 2020, which stars the awesome Lonnie Chavis (This is Us) as Bobby.

This is a film produced by streaming service, Shudder, with two directors – which, though not as bad as an Alan Smithee production – doesn’t always bode well.

On this podcast, talk centres on the changing seasons, The Houses October Built, a POV horror centred on Halloween haunted houses, The Shining, Burnt Offerings, Candyman, and yes, The Boy Behind the Door and the sympathy generated by horror films that feature kid protagonists.

Really Awful Movies: Ep 350 – Overrated horror movies

A quick one this week, while we reboot and get back to regularly scheduled programming.

On the Really Awful Movies Podcast, a mini discussion starter: overrated films, or rather, films we didn’t quite warm to in the horror movie realm.

This includes, Train to Busan, Get Out/Us, Suspiria 2018 and Scream. Tune in. Or don’t. We don’t care!