Really Awful Movies: Ep 458 – Zombeavers

This week on the podcast, add another critter to the list of creature features/nature run amok flicks. If you thought rabbits in Night of the Lepus was pushing the envelope, well…here…we’ve got beavers.

Zombeavers is from the producers of American Pie, so there are of course lots of the expected jokes.

This one debuted at the Tribeca Film Festival of all places, and is a bit smarter than you’d think (but not by much).

Tune in and subscribe!


Really Awful Movies: Ep 457 – Nobody

This week, we examine the quirky action film and Bob Odenkirk starrer, Nobody.

Odenkirk, of course, is best known for two exemplary shows, Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad, and is hardly the first actor to spring to mind when you think “action.” But he acquires himself wonderfully here as a supposed family man with a shady shady past who crosses wires with some Russian goons.

On this episode:

  • John Wick
  • Bob Odenkirk
  • Road House
  • Canadian suburbs
  • A History of Violence/Eastern Promises
  • Middle aged masculinity
  • Tattoos in action films

Tune in, subscribe to the podcast! New episodes are released every Friday.

And if you’re a fan of nutty genre films, check out two of the books I co-authored: Mine’s Bigger Than Yours! The 100 Wackiest Action Movies and Death by Umbrella: the 100 Weirdest Horror Movie Weapons. 


Really Awful Movies: Ep 456 – Alice, Sweet Alice

This week on the show, Alice, Sweet Alice – a classic horror from the 1970s.

A young girl, Karen (played by Brooke Shields) meets an untimely end in this religious-themed regional slasher by director Alfred Sole.

Karen is murdered by an unknown assailant in a yellow raincoat and creepy translucent mask.

And speaking of yellow, this one bears some of the hallmarks of giallo films from that era, despite these not being an influence on Sole.