Really Awful Movies: Ep 53 – Swamp Thing

Dr Holland became a human plant hybrid in Swamp Thing, a DC Comics Adaptation by Wes Craven, for whom we have some admiration but who hasn’t done much to ingratiate himself to fans with his recent output.

In the Bayou swamps, the good doctor and his sister are doing an experiment trying to create a hybrid character, when it’s interrupted by a paramilitary group who wants to put his research to evil means.

This was post-Last House on the Left and Deadly Blessing and was a bit of a departure for Mr. Craven. It features genre favorites Ray Wise, David Hess, Adrienne Barbeau and Louis Jordan.

There’s also a horribly obvious rubber suit and the guy who played Paulie in Darkman!

Join us as we venture into the Louisiana swamps with Swamp Thing!


Really Awful Movies: Ep 52 – Death Force

On this episode of the Really Awful Movies Podcast, we look at the fantastic Death Force. It’s by Cirio Santiago, the extremely prolific Filipino director.

It’s put out by Vinegar Syndrome, known for 70s Blaxploitation and horror. We had the pleasure of hanging with the VS guys at London’s Shock Stock horror festival.

Death Force combines Blaxsploitation and vetsploitation with the Samurai and mafia genres, successfully at times, unsuccessfully at others. Hilariously goofy fun as only a 70s film could be.

We talk about the movie and our love for cheap films shot in the Philippines. We’ve previously looked at Firecracker and TNT Jackson.

Really Awful Movies: Ep 51 – Nudity in Horror

When it comes to horror, people like blood, gore and for better or for worse, gratuitous nudity.

Can it ever be too much? Does it have to serve a purpose? Why is the genre known for the prevalence of nudity?

More permissive cultural attitudes in the 60s, were quickly reflected in horror.

We discuss pioneers of the genre, Corman, H.G. Lewis et al, 80s slashers like Friday the 13th and Hospital Massacre and what teens wanted to see at the drive-in.