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Really Awful Movies: Ep 29b – They Live

John Carpenter is a master of horror. He’s the brains behind Halloween, The Fog, Escape from New York, Christine and The Thing. In 1988, he made They Live, featuring wrestler Rowdy Roddy Piper. This is a very fun homage to b movies from Carpenter’s youth, with bits of satire thrown in for good measure. The […]

Really Awful Movies: Ep 29 – Crap of the Week

George Lewis, not George Lucas! But that’s an easy mistake to make as this is The Humanoid, a shameless Star Wars rip-off featuring Lord Graal. He’s a bit like Dark Helmet from Spaceballs. Watch as gargantuan Richard Kiel from James Bond, becomes the titular hero. Also on the program, Open Grave, a military experiment gone […]

Really Awful Movies: Ep 28 – RoboCop

Robocop features the incredible Peter Weller (who has since earned a Ph.D. at UCLA, in Italian Renaissance art history) as the eponymous cyborg crime-fighting machine. Detroit was once a Midwestern economic powerhouse but went into precipitous decline and became crime-ridden (it’s yet to recover). Whether you blame Reagonomics or the endless succession of Democrat mayors […]