Really Awful Movies: Ep 34 – Xanadu


A fantasy, a musical, a place where dreams come true…for some, it’s more of a nightmare and more of a Xana-don’t.

However, there is something undoubtedly charming about this Olivia Newton-John MEGA-flop, which co-stars the late great Gene Kelly and Warrior Michael Beck.

A roller-skating artist, who doesn’t know the meaning of the term “muse” (!) meets a sprite on the beach and tries to romance her. He seeks advice from a beach clarinet-playing dandy (!) who wants to open a nightclub with him.

Then things get weird.

Thanks to Robin Bougie of Cinema Sewer for the tip-off.


Really Awful Movies: Ep 33b – The Bristol Bad Film Club

The Bristol Bad Film Club was co-founded by Timon Singh, a lifelong aficionado of terrible monster movies and junk cinema, who screens stinkers like Samurai Cop and Lifeforce.

They do once-a-month screenings, with the major criterion being “there must be a bar present at the venue.” They’ve rented out the city’s planetarium and have done other unique screenings.

On this podcast, we chat about Mathilda May, David Hasselhoff, Patrick Stewart, Caroline Munro, Electric Boogaloo: The Wild Untold Story of Cannon Films, Get Even, Pulgasari and Vigilante.

Vigilante was directed by one of our faves (William Lustig of Maniac fame) and stars many of our faves from the b movie circuit: Robert Forster, Fred Williamson, Steve James and the one and only Joe Spinell.


Really Awful Movies: Ep 33 – Firestorm

Without a word of a lie, Firestorm is one of the most dunderheaded films we’ve ever encountered (and we’ve endured four films made by Steven Seagal in the 2000s!).

Howie Long is a firefighter, battling blazes in Wyoming. Long was a long-time Raider football player and is one of the greatest defensive linemen of all time – as an actor? Not so much.

This piece of crap was initially set up to star Sylvester Stallone but the production company went belly up and the budget was given a slash ‘n’ burn. So they got Howie instead.

And what is Scott Glenn doing in this??? He’s a legend, who should’ve known better. He plays a grizzled firefighting captain and has a mobile home land on him! (and escapes unscathed for the most part).

A bunch of inmates out on a work program are on firefighting detail. They break free and jet off into the wilderness. One among their ranks (William Forsythe) has a bunch of money stashed away and they exacerbate the blaze to avoid being captured. And there’s only one lunk-head who can stop them.