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Really Awful Movies: Ep 12b – 50 Shades of Grey

Stepping outside our comfort zone, we look at a movie with a really really high budget by our standards (we’re accustomed to things made for under 1 million on our site, A telecom billionaire (we know he’s evil as he’s a successful business man) woos an English lit grad (we know she’s virtuous as […]

Really Awful Movies: Ep 12 – Get Even

The Google search engine confounding Geteven (they made a mistake on the DVD cover) is also known as Road to Revenge and Champagne and Bullets. It’s also known colloquially by native English speakers who know how to use a space bar on their keyboards, as Get Even. One of the all-time great good-bad movies this […]

Really Awful Movies: Ep 11 – How we got into low budget cinema

On this episode of the Really Awful Movies Podcast: how we got into low budget cinema. On the show, we discuss the following films: -Eating Raoul. This film is about a couple who finances their dream restaurant by luring swingers over to their apartment and whacking them over the head with a frying pan to […]