Really Awful Movies: Ep 32 – Horror Movie Gore

Is gore required in horror movies?

On this podcast we discuss Zombi 2, Dr. Butcher MD and how Italian directors became known for shocking gory films.

We discuss movies and magazines that influenced us, such as Friday the 13th and Fangoria.

In Tenebre, an arm is sliced off and blood splatters absolutely everywhere.

Not every film needs gore to be effective, but it helps with the horror experience.

Also, the French gore new wave, Inside AKA l’interieur and Martyrs. Martyrs is one of the most harrowing films ever made. It’s worth seeing once, but it’s damn-near impossible to see it again. Cutting Moments also discussed.

We also discuss protracted torture scenes in mob shows/The Sopranos and Marathon Man and appendages lopped off in Terror Firmer.

What kind of gore gets to you? We look at eye gouging, needles and the Brandon Cronenberg (son of David) film Antiviral.

Really Awful Movies: Ep 31b – Erin R. Ryan, Scream Queen

We first got wind of Erin R. Ryan through her stellar work in Babysitter Massacre, a low budget homage to 80s slashers. She was a standout there and we noticed we’d seen her in other things as well.

The Ohioan has appeared in Scarewaves, Haunted House on Sorority Row, and Kill That Bitch among others. She’s probably best known for her role as Angel in Bath Salt Zombies and she frequently works with indie director Henrique Couto.

We chat about what it’s like being a working actress in indie horror, how she got started in the business, the burgeoning indie scene in the Midwest, and of course, what we mean when we use the term “Scream Queen.”

Really Awful Movies: Ep 31 – Hunt to Kill

Hunt to Kill? Guess you never hunt to maim…

Stone Cold Steve Austin is of course, the Texas Rattlesnake of WWE fame. And he stars as a border patrol agent whose partner is killed investigating a trailer home meth lab.

After this pre-credit roll tragedy, he seeks peace and quiet. He leaves the Lone Star State for the quieter confines of Montana. However, things aren’t that quiet up there either.

He and his obnoxious teen daughter are kidnapped by a bunch of irate bank robber thugs who’ve been double-crossed. Their ex partner has absconded with their money and Stone Cold, with his knowledge of the backwoods, comes in handy to track the guy down through the forest – in exchange for his life.

With the exception of The Expendables, Stone Cold has been in a slew of terrible direct-to-DVD duds. And Hunt to Kill is one of them.

In this show we talk about terrible action films lensed in British Columbia and how there is no honor among thieves in heist flicks. Also, how relatively few WWE superstars have made the transition to bona fide actor, awful dialogue and how it’s imperative that the title of a movie is said in a bad action movie. We also delve into the acting talents of Eric Roberts and Gil Bellows.