Really Awful Movies: Ep 30 – Rhinestone

Can Dolly Parton turn this cabbie, Sly, into an overnight singing sensation?

Sylvester Stallone couldn’t hold a tune if you duct-taped one to his chest. Rhinestone is hilarious and the one film Sly wish he hadn’t made (but we’re glad he did).

An Indecent Proposal crossed with Hee Haw, Rhinestone is a total mess but lots of fun.

Stallone turned down the lead in Beverly Hills Cop as well as Romancing the Stone to appear in this “piece of poo poo.”

Dolly is “Jake,” a singing star in Midtown Manhattan who takes Sly (“Nick”) to Tennessee for a country music boot camp. There’s lots at stake: if she can’t deliver, she can’t get out of her contract and has to sleep with her manager (!?)

There are terrible stereotypes (Italians, Southerners), terrible songs, terrible performances…This is a must-see.

Rhinestone was directed by Bob Clark, who you may have come across if you are a long-time listener of the podcast. He was the brains behind Murder by Decree, an oft-referenced Jack the Ripper imagining starring Christopher Plummer, and indelible Canadian classics like Black Christmas, Porky’s and Porky’s II.

On the Really Awful Movies Podcast, we really love musicals, especially the bizarre ones. And Rhinestone certainly fits the bill.

Really Awful Movies: Ep 29c – Shock Stock

***A special edition of the podcast, from Shock Stock!***

Shock Stock is a fun-filled horror convention/festival, which takes place in London Ontario, three hours outside of Toronto and two hours outside of Detroit Michigan.

This is a three-day celebration of all things horror. And if the event itself wasn’t enough, there are some damn-fine parties associated with it (and we couldn’t help but indulge). We salute Shock Stock with this podcast.

We had a chance to chat with (in order of appearance):

Tony Todd (Candyman, Night of the Living Dead, Hatchet, Platoon, Final Destination, CSI: Miami, Criminal Minds)

Edwin Neal (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Future-Kill, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)

Giovanni Lombardo Radice (Cannibal Apocalypse, Stage Fright, City of the Living Dead)

Shotzi Blackheart (Miss Shock Stock contestant, independent wrestler)

Ron MacKay (Convention Manager at Troma Entertainment)

Starlotte Dresen (Miss Shock Stock contestant, burlesque performer)

Toxie the Toxic Avenger (Superhero)

Jessie Lee (Killer Kleavage from Outer Space, Vampire Cheerleaders)

Kelly Michael Stewart (Festival Director, The Blood in the Snow Canadian Film Festival)

Jeramie Rain (The Last House on the Left)

Luis Ceriz (Suspect Video and co-founder of Toronto horror con, Horror Rama)


Really Awful Movies: Ep 29b – They Live

John Carpenter is a master of horror. He’s the brains behind Halloween, The Fog, Escape from New York, Christine and The Thing.

In 1988, he made They Live, featuring wrestler Rowdy Roddy Piper.

This is a very fun homage to b movies from Carpenter’s youth, with bits of satire thrown in for good measure.

The Man With no Name (Piper), a drifter, wanders into Los Angeles looking for work.

They Live makes great use of the mean streets of LA’s infamous skid row as The Man With No Name finds out about a secret plot that’s unveiled by peering through sunglasses.