Really Awful Movies: Ep 356 – Exit Wounds

This week on the Really Awful Movies Podcast, perennial favorite, Steven Seagal. The portly aikido master has been a prominent fixture of our show, whether it’s efforts (if you’ll forgive the term) such as Submerged or Half Past Dead, or flicks made during the action star’s (widow) peak.

In Exit Wounds, lensed in Canada, Seagal portrays a world-weary (though isn’t he always?) cop on the mean streets of Detroit (actually, Toronto, Hamilton and Calgary). And one particularly precinct, the 15th, is corrupt as they come. And Seagal has to beat down a bunch of seedy criminals and crooked cops, which is great – as that’s how he earns the big bucks.

This one represents the actor’s last legit film, before being relegated to Euro purgatory and direct-to-video ham-fisted offerings.

So, put up your dukes, enjoy Bill Duke (and to a much lesser extent Tom Arnold) as well as Jill Hennessy and DMX, and tune into our podcast. Also, pick up a copy of our book, Mine’s Bigger than Yours! The 100 Wackiest Action Movies, our paean to all things butt-kickin’.

Really Awful Movies: Ep 355 – A Classic Horror Story

On this episode of the podcast, a little bit of Italian horror – but not THAT kind of Italian Horror. Usually on the Really Awful Movies Podcast, we dive into the work of Bava, Fulci and Argento. This time around, it’s 2021’s A Classic Horror Story, a modern Italian horror flick that’s a hicksploitation/folk horror hybrid that’s moderately effective.

The plot? A rideshare trip through the mountains of Calabria, in Southern Italy, takes a dangerous turn – literally. What will happen to the vehicle’s occupants? You know the drill…and that’s not a veiled reference to Driller Killer.

A Classic Horror Story borrows elements from The Ritual, Rituals, The Hills Have Eyes, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but is its own beast. There’s a split between detractors and supports, and this discussion reflects that.

Tune in, and subscribe…and pick up a copy of our first book, Death by Umbrella! The 100 Weirdest Horror Movie Weapons (foreword: Lloyd Kaufman, from Troma). It’s a must-read for the horror-obsessed, of which we are.

Really Awful Movies: Ep 354 – Sorority House Massacre

On today’s episode of the Really Awful Movies Podcast, Sorority House Massacre. Talk about a title steeped in straightforwardness. Truth in marketing, right there. There’s a sorority, a sorority house, and yes, a massacre. And of course, an escaped killer from a lunatic asylum. What more could you ask for, especially in the 80s?

That, and so many more questions answered in this episode.

Lensed by a female director, this one appeared toward the end of the slasher boom, and asks “who will survive the final exam?” And, not to be confused with the other 80s slasher, Final Exam. Between this and Sorority Row, The House on Sorority Row, Splatter University, it’s tough keeping all this straight. But let us put it into context for you!