Really Awful Movies: Ep 274 – Man’s Best Friend

Not so much a shaggy dog story as an angry dog story, Man’s Best Friend is a forgotten 90s New Line Cinema release that has an attack dog, Max, who has escaped from a top-secret laboratory run by the always excellent Lance Henriksen.

And you know when good ol’ LH is in a horror flick you’re in for some top-notch grimacing (and a healthy, heaping dose of menacing too).

Ally Sheedy plays a journalist, who is investigating abuses at an animal lab. She and her producer want a scoop, and sneak into the facility, releasing Max…and Max is an attack dog, genetically modified from bear/tiger/chimp and it should be said, very stupidly, chameleon parts.

The journalist rescues the dog from its pen, only to find out it…is quite vicious and will stop at nothing to attack anyone in its path.

We love our animal attack movies. You give us an animal attacking someone, and we’re thrilled. We don’t give a crap (or a rat’s ass) if it’s a rabbit like Night of the Lepus, or a gila monster from that…um…gila monster movie we podcasted. The best ones, of course, are Jaws and Alligator. But even the worst ones have something to commend about them. Especially when, well..Man’s Best Friend is involved.

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Really Awful Movies: Ep 269 – Q The Winged Serpent

A monster movie set in New York City? That’s enough to hook us in that’s for sure. With the passing of noted horror/genre director Larry Cohen, we decided to take a look at one of his lesser-known efforts with Q The Winged Serpent.

Produced and directed by Larry Cohen and starring the awesome Michael Moriarty, Candy Clark, and the incredible David Carradine, and Richard Roundtree, this one is an exercise in guerrilla film-making. There doesn’t seem to be a permit to be found for some of these location shoots.

A bunch of Big Apple dwellers end up dead, their heads torn off. And NYPD detectives Carradine and Roundtree (Shaft!) are tasked to get to the bottom of it.

And Michael Moriarty is a sad-sack bank robber who’s the getaway driver for a bunch of jewel thieves. He’s the one who first gets wind of the crazy attacks and doesn’t know what to do.

Ultimately, Q is a monster movie, a throwback to those 50s creature features we’ve come to know and love. It’s got incredible location shots including Canal Street, and of course the iconic Chrysler Building. And Moriarty gets to show off some piano chops. David Carradine brings a certain charming indifference to the cop role, but hey, it’s still super fun. You’ll have fun watching this one.

Really Awful Movies: Ep 267 – Attack of the Giant Leeches

What a title! For that reason alone, it’s worth checking out Attack of the Giant Leeches. This is a Corman production, but not Roger. No, it’s the other Corman brother (from the same mother). And that’s Gene Corman.

Rising from the depths of hell, to kill and conquer. And all because of NASA space launches from Florida? Well, that certainly counts as a unique deus ex machina.

A game warden is tasked to figure out what’s going on as several of the Everglades townsfolk go missing.

And the local saloon owner is involved in a tempestuous relationship with his wife, Liz. She cheats on him with one of the bar flies, why? To pad the running, an already spare 61 minutes or so.

But what mmore do you need? You got nature run amok blood sucking creatures.

There’s not much too this flick. It’s a 1950s creature feature. So that means threadbare craptacular effects and some cornball acting and the rest…is well worth watching.

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