Really Awful Movies: Ep 251 – Killer Crocodile

A Killer Crocodile creature feature, that’s Italian to boot? No need to say that twice. We’re there. As straightforward a concept as you could possibly devise, this one is about…you guessed it…a killer crocodile (lest you thought this was a rom-com about a shy teacher who meets a beau in fin-du-siècle Paris). In an undisclosed […]

Really Awful Movies: Ep 233 – Backcountry

People lost in the woods. Common fodder for horror, right? It’s a terrific conceit, and we as Ontarians have a particular affinity for it as there are thousands upon thousands of kilometers of remote green-space in our gorgeous and at times dangerous, province. Backcountry, like any self-respecting horror film, exploits these very real, visceral fears. […]

Really Awful Movies: Ep 221 – 47 Meters Down

You’ll never get a more straightforward title: 47 Meters Down. What could this possibly be about? Claire Holt and Mandy Moore portray sisters who are on vacation in Mexico. One of them is moving on from a recent, difficult breakup. And they go on a deep sea diving expedition and swim around with the fishies […]