Really Awful Movies: Ep 226 – From London, England. Hands of the Ripper

From London, England, recorded from the confines of our hotel in Kensington. On this episode of the show, we talk about our visit to Whitechapel, East London and discuss the lesser Hammer film, Hands of the Ripper. Jack the Ripper has fascinated people for a century + and will do so for years to come. […]

Really Awful Movies: Ep 213 – Hell Night

Watching this is a hellish experience. Well, not really, but close enough to warrant the terrible pun. Hell Night is one of those forgotten films from the slasher boom, and only known today because of two things: 1) incredibly cool cover art and 2) the presence of genre icon Linda Blair in the lead role […]

Really Awful Movies: Ep 203 – The Psychic

Lucio Fulci’s The Psychic, while not nearly as gory as the canonical Fulci films, nonetheless bears some of the same trademark weirdness, and features…of course…a creepy house. And in this house…bones are found! We have a murder mystery on our hands, and blood is on someone’s hands…but whose? The house is owned by Francesco Ducci…and […]