Really Awful Movies: Ep 397 – Vacancy

This week on the podcast…check in, and make sure you can check out. Vacancy is a motel horror a la Mountaintop Motel Massacre, Psycho, 13 Cameras, The Rental, No Tell Motel, the Innkeepers…it’s a list that’s seemingly endless.

What isn’t, our fascination with these kinds of films.

It couldn’t get more simple: feuding couple (Kate Beckinsale/Luke Wilson) run into car trouble. Unfortunately, Triple AAA isn’t around to jumpstart them back to the road and their in-laws. And they’re compelled to stay in a crappy fleabag roadside inn. Think of Rodney Dangerfield: “this was a dumpy motel I tell you. They stole MY towels.”

Soon, there’s banging on the door and something sinister afoot. As well there should be: it’s a horror film! Watch Vacancy, and check out this discussion.

Really Awful Movies: Ep 389 – Summer Camp Nightmare

On today’s episode of the podcast, Summer Camp Nightmare. Don’t be fooled, folks. This is not a stalk-and-slash 80s horror.

In fact, it’s got smarts. There’s a wack of political/historical context, and it punches above its weight for what you’d expect from a small, largely overlooked film.

A bunch of counsellors in training (CITs) and the usual cadre of summer camp wimps, jocks, misfits and troublemakers, attend a summer camp. And after some time, the kids take umbrage with their overlords and turn the tables on ’em.

And bonus. Chuck Connors! The western star, and also the lead in Tourist Trap, plays the disciplinarian summer camp head.

Really Awful Movies: Ep 384 – Daniel Isn’t Real

This week on the Really Awful Movies Podcast, the often compelling imaginary friend horror film, Daniel Isn’t Real.

Luke is an undergrad plagued by trauma and anxiety. As a coping mechanism, he revivifies a childhood imaginary friend, Daniel, in part through the encouragement of his psychologist/therapist.

Where things go from there, is seriously haywire.

Set in Brooklyn, Daniel Isn’t Real is pretty good of its type. Tune in for a discussion! And check out Imaginary Friends in Horror Movies, written up on our Really Awful Movies review site.