Really Awful Movies: Ep 21 – Latter Day Steven Seagal

In Submerged, Chris Kody (Steven Seagal, in full Cajun accent mode at the outset, then promptly abandoned midway through) is a mercenary released from prison but with strict conditions: he must take out a South American bad guy who’s taken over a nuclear sub (a sub with Italian language controls that is referred to as Spanish for reasons unexplained).

And in this podcast, we get double your pleasure (and doubled in size) Seagal as we also look at Half Past Dead.

When a sinister European international gangster stereotype says “I am a soldier trained in the art of killing” we know we’re stamping our passports for a visit to Craplandia.

And who better to act as a guide than the aikido legend himself, Steven Seagal?

Half Past Dead is a jail break film based on a phenomenon which is frequent enough that Wikipedia has a page devoted to it: helicopter prison escapes. But lest you think baddies can get away with such shenanigans, this super jail has an undercover agent who twists limbs. Guess who? Also, we get Ja Rule as an Ebonics language instructor / sidekick.

Really Awful Movies: Ep 12 – Get Even

The Google search engine confounding Geteven (they made a mistake on the DVD cover) is also known as Road to Revenge and Champagne and Bullets. It’s also known colloquially by native English speakers who know how to use a space bar on their keyboards, as Get Even.

One of the all-time great good-bad movies this one is a vanity piece that stars a California trial lawyer-cum action superhero and martial artist John de Hart, who looks like a grinder from the 1984 Philadelphia Flyers.

He plays a cop, Rick, who along with a buddy, are dismissed from the force by a corrupt higher-up. His buddy “Huck,” founded a religion based on Huckleberry Finn and does an unintelligible soliloquy about it, while standing waist-deep in a swimming pool (which doesn’t even crack the Top 5 weirdest moments).

There’s also a subplot about a devil-worshiping cult as our heroes seek revenge and go after their boss, who suddenly goes from chief to judge!

Really Awful Movies: Ep 9c – Virus

The Really Awful Movies team breaks down the extremely bad Brian Bosworth vehicle, Virus.

It’s another one of these outbreak / sinister government plot flicks.

According to its IMDb write-up, “A United States Presidential bodyguard risks everything to save the day when a truck chock full of biological weapons contrives to crash in a National Park.”

The bodyguard is of course, Brian Bosworth aka, The Boz.

The Boz was a big star in the NCAA and then joined the Seattle Seahawks very briefly.

The Boz portrays a secret service agent who was once a highly-regarded college football player. Who would’ve thought? There’s even a reference to that.

We also break down the absurd geyser subplot and how the virus is the least effectual biohazard we’ve ever seen.

There’s a reason the thing sits at 2.8 out of 10.

If you’re interested in horror movies, action, or other genre films check out (and subscribe to) the Really Awful Movies Podcast.