Really Awful Movies: Ep 26 – The Warriors

“I’ll shove that bat up your ass and turn you into a Popsicle.”

The Warriors! Can you dig it?

Indeed we can.

Based on Sol Yurick’s book, which drew inspiration from Anabasis by Zenophon, a pupil of Socrates, Walter Hill’s cult classic is one long chase from the top to the bottom of the New York City subway system.

At a gang conclave in the Bronx, gangsters from all of the New York City boroughs gather to talk strategy.

Cyrus, the de facto uber boss, addresses the thousands in attendance with one of the great speeches in all of moviemaking, including “Can you count, suckers? I say, the future is ours!” And he’d be forgiven for thinking that too. This depiction of NYC features barely any cops, and gangs are running roughshod over the entire population.

When Cyrus is assassinated, rivals claim it was the Warriors, a multi-racial crew from Coney Island, Brooklyn. Of course, our heroes had nothing to do with it, but that doesn’t matter as every other gang in the city thinks it’s true. The Warriors then have to “bop” their way back to Coney Island, their home-base. And they do this on the New York City MTA.

With tonnes of excitement, crazy rival gangs, fisticuffs aplenty, it’s no wonder we LOVE The Warriors.

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Really Awful Movies: Ep 25 – Cliches that Annoy

Cliches that annoy in movies.

“Why are you doing this to me?”

That’s a common question in horror movies and the answer is usually the same: they’re psychopaths!

On this podcast, we discuss some annoying horror as well as action film cliches.

For reference, please see SIGNS YOU MIGHT BE IN A BAD HORROR MOVIE.


Really Awful Movies: Ep 24 – Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer

Loosely based on the life of Virginia-born serial killer Henry Lee Lucas, who went on an unheard of “confession spree.” (he’d confessed to hundreds of killings, with a handful actually attributable to him) Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer is one of the more infamous horror films ever made.

The film follows Henry and his sleazy roommate Otis, who take in the latter’s sister Becky who’s coming to live and work in Chicago from out of state.

Henry’s got serious mommy issues and gradually introduces Henry to his psychopathic exploits.

Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer has a documentary feel and a super low budget, which adds to the harrowing atmosphere. Made on the cheap for under $150,000, Michael Rooker, Tom Towles and Tracy Arnold give outstanding performances.

This movie was so good, even Roger Ebert, notoriously tough on horror films, said it was a “low budget tour de force.”

We couldn’t wait to discuss the film on the Really Awful Movies Podcast. It’s one of our mutual favorites. Listen to us wax poetic about this chilling gem, and that time Jeff met Michael Rooker.