Really Awful Movies: Ep 100 – Dr Butcher MD

doctor_butcher_mdWelcome to the (unofficial) EPISODE 100. Here, we delve into a lunatic Italian pseudo cannibal film, Dr Butcher MD, aka Zombie Holocaust.

This is a blast from the past, one of co-host Chris’s most influential films.

When “pieces of corpses,” go missing from a local university teaching hospital, we find out that the culprit is some island cannibals who’ve somehow made their way to New York.

In order to get to the bottom of a budding mystery, two hospital colleagues investigate, leading them to a faraway South Pacific island. The duo comprises lab assistant Lori and Dr Chandler, played by the always excellent Ian McCulloch. On the island, they meet up with the mysterious figure Dr. Obrero, who fills them in on island goings on before they enter the jungle…AT THEIR PERIL!

Celebrate #100 with us and Dr. Butcher MD. The MD stands for medical deviate!

Really Awful Movies: Ep 97 – Crap of the Week: Island of the Fishmen and Creatures from the Abyss

Two aquatic-themed Italian creature feature horrors. Which is odd, as we didn’t plan it.

In this episode, a regular feature of the Really Awful Movies Podcast we call CRAP OF THE WEEK, we discuss movies one of us has seen and the other hasn’t and vice versa.

Against all odds, two very similar something fishy movies, Island of the Fishmen, a 1979 Italian adventure action horror film directed by Sergio Martino (best known for the notorious The Mountain of the Cannibal God) and 1994’s Creatures from the Abyss, aka Plankton, by Al Passeri. We chat about the former’s similarity to Island of Dr. Moreau, its Voodoo chicken rituals, missing and marooned French soldiers, a subplot involving the Lost City of Atlantis and of course, some nefarious experiments carried out by a diabolical doctor.

Creatures from the Abyss features kids who go missing on a dinghy and hop aboard a research vessel in the open seas, which turns out to be abandoned – its occupants having left in great haste, save for one, a lab assistant frothing at the mouth. They quickly happen upon nefarious experiments (naturally) and boy do things go nuts thereafter.

Two complementary companion pieces, two nutso fish-human hybrid attack movies. Check ’em out.

Really Awful Movies: Ep 81 – Cannibal Ferox

Did you hear about the cannibal who arrived late for the potluck? They gave him the cold shoulder.

On this week’s episode, machetes in tow, we hack through the deepest, darkest jungles and take our first look at the infamous cannibal genre and one of its most notorious flicks, Cannibal Ferox.

This is the second Umberto Lenzi film we’ve discussed on the show, the first being City of the Living Dead. That was a lot more fun. Ferox is not unlike others from the genre in that it’s mostly dull and interspersed with incredibly gruesome and unforgettable images. Upon its release, the US distributor claimed it was “the most violent film ever made” and it was banned in numerous countries. Strange thing is there are way more violent films than this one.

What happens when a grad student gets lost in the wilds of Paraguay with her two assistants? The title is pretty self-explanatory.

And don’t forget to check out