Really Awful Movies: Ep 94 – Death Wish 3

Mental Cannon treatment of a series past its best before date. The first Death Wish is a stone-cold uber classic. By the time Golan and Globus got around to it though, things were really coming off the rails. Death Wish 3 was written under a pseudonym (understandably) and is the last collaboration between star Charles […]

Really Awful Movies: Ep 89 – Captain America 2: Death too Soon

No, not The Winter Soldier. The other Captain America 2! There’s a sinister plot against the United States. And it’s being perpetrated by a guy named Miguel (Christopher Lee). It involves manipulative gerontology – administering drugs to prematurely age the populace unless the evil guy gets his way. Luckily, Captain America is there to fight […]

Really Awful Movies: Ep 75 – Howling 2

There are few sequels that managed to instantly erode/negate the goodwill generated by their superior, classic predecessors. Howling 2 is one such film. However it’s an interesting and unintentionally hilarious failure. Featuring the unlikely bizarro casting of the legendary Christopher Lee alongside bumbleheaded naif Reb Brown, Howling 2 asks the question, where’s Joe Dante when […]