Really Awful Movies: Ep 17b – The Really Awful Movies Podcast

This is a podcast about our podcast. That’s pretty meta! What’s the Really Awful Movies Podcast all about? Hosts Chris and Jeff discuss how our site came about and its tagline: “A celebration of low budget cinema.” It’s really a celebration of genre film of all stripes, particularly horror movies, but also musicals, terrible comedies […]

Really Awful Movies: Ep 13 – The Nest

Don’t let the name fool you: this is not a Hitchcockian Birds retread. It’s a reference to bugs. This is basically Jaws with bugs: cockroaches to be specific. It’s set on a New England island, with the added bonus of geographical goofs such as a car driving down the road and windows on either side […]

Really Awful Movies: Ep 12b – 50 Shades of Grey

Stepping outside our comfort zone, we look at a movie with a really really high budget by our standards (we’re accustomed to things made for under 1 million on our site, A telecom billionaire (we know he’s evil as he’s a successful business man) woos an English lit grad (we know she’s virtuous as […]